Saturday, November 6, 2010

To Do Homework or Not to Do Homework??????

I interviewed two teachers and two parents about their thoughts on homework.

In essence they all articulated similar ideas.

*15-20 minutes of reading for pleasure, both the child reading to the family member as well the family member reading to the child.

*Maintenance activities versus new concept practice that is fun and engaging for 5-10 minutes.

*After school activities like sports, music and at home family time is important.

I couldn't agree more with these ideals.


  1. Having some responsibility (homework) can help students be more self-directed and connected to the curriculum. Using busy-work tasks for homework- just to give homework is not a meaningful task for you, the children, and the families.

  2. Kimmer,

    How is it going planning for the Mini Residency?

  3. Thanks for the comments.

    I agree Hilary with having homework that helps with connections, especially if parents are expected to participate.

    I am ready for my mini residency! It's is a pretty easy week just based on the schedule, Click Clack Moo on Monday, Art on Thursday and World Celebration event on Friday, including and Early Release.

    Wish me luck!
