Sunday, January 31, 2010

What a teacher should know about technology

I was not able to open the article that was posted.

I believe that a teacher teaching technology should strive to know at least as much as the student. Once a teacher assess where their students are the teacher can then research and learn enough to explore, create and learn with their students. A teacher of technology must know and understand how to use the current terminology, programs, applications, software and hardware so that she can have at least a basic knowledge to teach from. With technology changing so rapidly it is most important, I believe, that a teacher be open to the fact that their students might be teaching them and as a good teacher she will welcome this level of collaboration.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Literacies For a New Age Video

Poor Hephalumps, how will they ever make it out on their own if they can't remember everything there is to know. This cartoon story creates a nice analogy between some human classroom strategies used today and the outcomes. That is, the Hephalumps weren't allowed to use books to read and write while today students aren't allowed access to some technologies. This for many reasons be it social, economic, philosophical... Will they survive in the world they are being prepared for? Will they do more than survive, will they create and innovate?

Did You Know Video Response

I watched this video twice and each time I found it difficult visually and the information is for me very overwhelming. I have seen this before or something similar and still each piece of information hits home and invites discussion. For me these facts reflect the potential and power of change and innovation. It suggests the need to teach from a different space both physically and mentally. The question was asked during class whether we as teachers should be able to learn with our students and I shout a resounding YES!I believe students can be allowed to create, innovate, explore and thus succeed in the future. Teachers have never known all the answers!

Kimmer's First Blog

Hi, this is Kimmer and this is my first attempt at a blog.
This is a picture of me and my kids, Grace, Connor and Ali, in Seldovia the summer of 2009. Our good friends Jen, Bruce, Carmen and Richard have invited us to stay for a few weeks. We are grateful for family and friends.